The top Google search result for marriage is from Wikipedia. The paraphrased definition of marriage from Wikipedia is as follows; "A marriage is an interpersonal relationship with governmental social or religious recognition, usually intimate and sexual, and often created as a contract. The act of marriage usually creates obligations between the individuals involved, and in many societies, their extended families."
I think what is interesting about the definition is the idea of a contract. There has been a lot of press in recent years about how half of all marriages end in divorce. While this number is probably significantly overestimated, the rate is still quite high. Why is that, and what should that mean for me?
Thinking about another part of the definition of marriage, the government social or religious recognition part, I wonder if the divorce rate is so high because people place less emphasis on the religious aspent than they used to. Certainly our governments have little respect, so few probably see the need to honor a contract recognized by the government. Also, it seems as if more people are becoming secular. I myself do not consider myself to be strongly religious or spiritual. I wonder if people regularly break their marriages because they do not think there are any significant consequenses for doing so. Maybe they think there is no God to punish them for sinning?
This thought leads me to my conclusion on the issue and my own feelings on getting married. It seems to me that if you are a non-religious person, there would be even more incentive for you to stay married, or even to be a good person that a religious person. The reason that I think that is that if you are religious, there is a chance for you at redemption. God can forgive you and you can go to Heaven and continue to live for eternity. If you are not religious, then you only get one shot at life, if you screw up then that's how you'll be remembered for eternity. Ergo, you must live your life to the highest possible standard if your legacy means anything to you.
As a non-religious person, this is the attitute I take. I must live my life to the highest standard, because I only get one chance at it. I'm lucky to have found a lady that makes me happy and who I love more than anything in the world. I'm excited about our upcoming marriage because it's another step we get to take down the path of life together as partners. I feel so lucky and excited about the prospect of spending the rest of my life with someone I love so much. Whether or not I get to live for eternity, the years I'll have with my wife will make my existance happy and worthwile.