Our third day on the island was Sunday. Few things are open on Sunday as the Christian Church is fairly important in the Cook Islands. Still, we'd seen most of what the resort had to offer and wanted to explore the rest of the island. Luckily the Budget rental agency was open across the road and I was able to get a scooter. In the Cook Islands (and New Zealand, and maybe other areas influenced by the British), it's more proper to say that your are "hiring" a vehicle rather than "renting" a vehicle. Another interesting thing I ran into when hiring the scooter was this, you need a Cook Isands drivers license to drive on the island, but they'll rent you the bike without it, and expect you to drive it to the police station to take the test! The station wasn't open on Sunday, so the guy at budget just told me to go there on Monday...
The scooter was a two seater, so now we were both able to get around the island without having to wait for the bus. Our first stop of the day was about 6 km east
of us on the southeast coast of the island at a place called Muri Lagoon. Muri Lagoon is a popular destination for people on the island because of the scenery and the easy fishing. There is little coral in the lagoon, so swimming is pretty safe, and there are four islets (called motu) that people can walk to from the beach.

While at Muri Lagoon we saw some distinctive Rarotongan fauna, the wild dog. I'm not sure what the history behind the wild dogs is, but Meghann read that they are a cross between Labrador and a small dog, like a Dotson. All of
the dogs on the island look well fed, and we suspect that they were probably competent fishers like this guy.

We didn't get into the water at Muri, but we did walk the beach and visit a few more tourist shops near the main road. Speaking of the main road, the layout of the roads in Rarotonga is pretty simple. There is one main two lane road that is paved, that circles the entire island. There is a secondary inner road that is parralel to the main road around parts of the island, and is paved in some places, but is hardly more than a single lane.
When we were done at Muri Beach we headed north to finish our circle island tour on the
scooter. From the main road we could see the rugged interior of the island. Rarotonga is the only volcanic island in the Cook Islands, and you can tell by the rugged topography in the interior of the island. In that way is looks a lot like some of the Hawaiian islands.

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