Our 9th day on the island is Saturday, which means another market day, but also our last day on the island. A few days earlier I had extended the scooter rental to Saturday, but only until 10:00 am. So first thing in the morning I headed over to Budget to get another extension, through the afternoon. We started off the day without the usual "American Breakfast", we wanted to save room for lunch at the market. So as soon as we were done showering we packed the backpack and hopped on the scooter and headed to town.
As usual the market was buzzing with activity. We parked a ways past the market next to a park and walked back in order to avoid the main throng of people. We had a couple of missions for the market, but the most important missions were to get souveniers for ourselves and our family and friends and to eat lunch! After perusing several of the booths we ended up finding some jewelry, paintings, and shirts that fit our purposes. Now it was time to eat.
For lunch we settled on a small Indian food booth. Meghann ordered the coconut curry chicken, and I went with the "spicy" curry chicken. The man working at the booth warned me that it was very hot and may cause pain, but it turned out that the curry was fairly mild. It would probably seem hot to someone accoustomed to eating fish and coconuts, but not someone who'd been living in the southwest for a few years.
After we were done at the market, we dropped our stuff back at the hotel room (which we had smartly reserved until 7 pm) and headed out for our last circle island tour. We stopped at Mac's Cafe one last time for some coffee and a milkshake, we picked up a CD of island music downtown, then we returned to the hotel to start packing.
With our time nearly at an end, we at one last dinner at Captain Andy's Bar and Grill, Meghann
got the giant drink, and we loaded up on the bus and headed to the airport. After a short wait, we reluctanly loaded up on the airplane and 9 hours later we landed at LAX. Luckily we cleared customs and got our luggage quicklly enough to catch the airport bus back
to Bakersfield. We then called a cab for a ride home and drove like mad to retrieve the puppies from Fur 'n Feathers.

Thus ended our week in paradise and started the rest of our lives together.
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